Educational Interventions and Female Enrolment in IT Degrees

ALTA Grant 2018 – Published Report (Updated)

“In 2018, the Australian Council of Deans of ICT funded the grant entitled ‘Identifying the Initiatives that Influence 1st Year Female Students Choosing Computing Degrees’.  It is an ambitious project, that we hope brings us closer to understanding why the number of women enrolling in IT degrees remains low despite existing initiatives. We surveyed 119 first-year undergraduate women enrolled in first year IT degrees and asked them what outreach programs influenced their decision to enrol in an IT degree. We found that different programs influence different people. Programs aimed at female-only participants were perceived to have potentially more influence, however, these findings do not negate the influence of mixed-gender programs. These results are published in a report which can be downloaded from here“.

Therese Keane, Andreea Molnar, Rosemary Stockdale

Swinburne University of Technology