Too Many IT graduates? On the Contrary Not Enough!
Opinion letter in response to
Too Many STEM and IT graduates 7 Sept 2015
Government submission re ICT statistics
President submission on accuracy of higher education ICT statistics
ACDICT attendance at STA Science Meets Policymakers ANU 11 Feb 2015
Summary report by Executive Officer concerning strategies and principles to influence policymakers who are not scientists and have a political focus
Videos from sessions are also available
MoU between ACDICT and ACS, signed by ACDICT President (Iwona Miliszewska) and ACS President (Brenda Aynsley) 6 Feb 2015
ACDICT/ACS MoU with action items
ACDICT Engagement Policy September 2014
Council approved
ACDICT Engagement Policy 2014
ACDICT submission to the Teacher Education Ministerial Advisory Group Consultation, June 2014
ACDICT teacher education considerations
ACDICT submission for 457 Integrity Review, May 2014
Letter on 457 Integrity review sent to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection
ACDICT Action Plan re ICT Skills, Revised (V3) June 2015
Revised Action Plan re ICT Skills V3
ACDICT Action Plan re ICT Skills, Revised (V2) June 2014
Revised Action Plan re ICT Skills V2
ACDICT Action Plan re ICT Skills, July 2013
The Council endorsed Action Plan re ICT Skills
ICT Skills in the Workplace Forum, Parliament House 21 November 2012
Senator Chris Evans hosted a forum attended by the ACDICT President, Leon Sterling, and where the following papers were presented:
AWPA ICT Skills Forum Presentation
IDC ICT Skills in the Workplace
Final report ICT Higher Education 2013
ALTC/OLT ICT Project 2013:
Addressing ICT curriculum recommendations from surveys of academics, workplace graduates and employers
Project carried out by UOW (lead), Murdoch, Swinburne and UQ with authors: Tony Koppi, Philip Ogunbona, Jocelyn Armarego, Paul Bailes, Peter Hyland, Tanya McGill, Fazel Naghdy, GolshahNaghdy, Chris Pilgrim and Madeleine Roberts
Discussion Paper on Australia’s skills and workforce development needs from the Australian Workforce and Productivity Agency (AWPA)
ACDICT submitted a
response focusing on the education needs – August 2012
NICTA Review
ACDICT response to the NICTA Review – July 2012
AQF Council
ACDICT Response on AQF Graduate Certificates and Diplomas – July 2012
Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA)
ACDICT submission on the Maths and Science Curriculum – July 2012
Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA)
ACDICT submission on the Draft Shape of the Australian Curriculum: Technologies – June 2012
ACDICT has submitted a
response to Minister Chris Evans on this final report.
Review of Commonwealth Supported Postgraduate Student Places – December 2011
ACDICT has submitted a
response to this CSP consultation.
ERA Draft 2012 Discipline Matrix Comments – July 2011
ACDICT has submitted
comments on the Draft ERA 2012 Discipline Matrix
TEQSA submission July 2011
ACDICT submitted a
response to TEQSA concerning a Discussion Paper on learning and teaching standards
ERA Consultation Submission – March 2011
ACDICT has submitted a
response to the ERA Consultation
Base Funding Review submission 31 March 2011
ACDICT has submitted a
base funding review proposal intended for further discussion with DEEWR.
TEQSA submission 10 March 2011
ACDICT submitted a
response to the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Bill 2011.
Press Releases
Press release following the Annual Council Meeting in Hobart, 25-26 July 2011
Press release by 9 Councils of Deans regarding closure of the Australian Learning and Teaching Council, 01/02/2011
Press release on creation of the ACDICT Learning and Teaching Academy (ALTA), 31/01/2011
Press release following the inaugural ACDICT Learning and Teaching Forum, Sydney, 5 – 6 July, 2010.
Press release concerning work-integrated learning from a survey of ICT graduates, 8 September 2009
Press release following the Annual Council Meeting; Swinburne 23 – 24 July 2009
Letters to Prime Minister and other politicians and subsequent Canberra meeting
This letter represents the views of 9 Councils of Deans regarding the closure of the Australian Learning and Teaching Council, 07/02/2011
follow up letter to the PM was sent on16/03/11
The second letter resulted in a meeting in Canberra on 31 May with John Spierings, the PM’s senior advisor, and Andrew Chambers, Chris Evan’s senior advisor to discuss the
briefing paper prepared by 4 representatives (including ACDICT) of the Councils of Deans
report of the Canberra meeting shows that it was successful and offers a role for the Councils of Deans as a member of the board (or equivalent) in the new form of the ‘ALTC’ within DEEWR
ACDICT Submission to Skills Australia about the Skilled Occupations List (SOL), November 2010
response to Skills Australia’s questions on the SOL indicates that we expect the general ICT skills shortage to be further exacerbated by expected trends.
ACDICT Response to AQF Consultation Paper, August 2010
ACDICT submission to the Consultation Paper: Strengthening the AQF, was concerned with seeking clarification of conversion degrees.
Career Information
Utilising ICT to change the world: videos from graduates and employers on innovative ICT jobs
National ICT Careers Week 26 July – 1 August 2010
National ICT Careers Week messages to young people, parents, teachers and others
Trends and Prospects in the ICT Labour Market
ACDICT Major Achievements
Summary of major achievements to March 2010
The revised
ACDICT Constitution was adopted by Council on 25 July 2011.
ACDICT has oversight of the recommendations from the National ICT Project funded by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council.”
Managing educational change in the ICT discipline at the tertiary education level” by Tony Koppi and Fazel Naghdy, 2009.
Executive Summary of the ICT project is also available
Agreement with the Australian Council of Engineering Deans (ACED)
ACDICT and ACED are the two partners in the Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) Engineering and ICT discipline network. (This network was initially called ‘Engineering and Technology’ and has been revised to Engineering and ICT.)
Memorandum of Agreement between ACDICT and ACED gives the background and joint management of the Engineering and ICT network
Discipline Support document developed with the ALTC shows the project activities of the Engineering and ICT network over three years (starting July 2009) and the funding involved.